You do know that internet marketing is hard work, don't you? To make money online you had better be prepared to put in some effort.One of the most searched words on the internet when it comes to making money is "free". Another one is "easy". Why is it that people are always looking for the shortcut? What about how to make money online working hard!I saw an interesting post in the Warrior Forum about early to rise and it led to a story about a life changing early morning routine which I thought was fantastic. I could relate to what he was saying because I have always been an early riser.When I had a full time job, and was starting my internet business, I used to get up between 4:00 and 4:30 and spend 2-3 hours on my internet business before I went off to work. Some days this was hard to do, but I had a goal of working full time for myself. This is what motivated me!The other thing was this, since I had to go to work at my job I had limited time to spend on my internet business. This forced me to be organized and to get things done. I learned how to accomplish things, which I still work at today. Having a daily to do list and marking things off as I get them done really helps me.Here is my point. Most of you are going to have to work hard if you want to make money online. The exception would be outsourcing everything if you can afford to do it. Even then you have probably already worked hard to make the money to be in the position you are in.At first you are really going to have to fill up every minute of your day. Finding the proper balance between work and family will become important. And then make sure you are actually working and not just hanging out online.Surfing the net and not doing the things on your daily to do list is not really working. Moving your busines forward is the key. Ask yourself if what you are doing right now is going to move your business forward in some way.When you are new you should be spending 80-90% of your time promoting your business. Making your website pretty is not promoting yoru business. Leave your site alone once you have it the way you want it.Hanging out in discussion forums may not be productive either. Especially if you are in a forum where all of the other members are already promoting the same business as each other.To promote your business you wouild need to go to another forum and hang out where there are new prospects. This is another example of how you should be spending yoru time and making it productiveIn summary you are going to have to get up and go to work everyday in your business. Only then will you get where you want to be. This is how you turn hard work into making money online.
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